Today was a day of ups and downs. A lot of imagination in that little brain, I tell ya what!
We started off today with several hours in the backyard at our "park". She played in the sandbox for most of that time, with Brian and/or I looking on. I think if she had her drothers, she'd move the sandbox into her bedroom and just play there all night. Yesterday we had a little tiff in the sandbox, because every time I would build a sandcastle, she would knock it down before I could even get the bucket all the way off. I gave her 3 chances - strike, she was out. I'm trying to teach proper sandbox etiquette. So, I ended up going to sit in the porch swing while she sat in the sandbox and cried. It was sad. We eventually made up, and everything was ok.
So this morning, she tells me, "Mommy, I will be bery kind and not knock your sand castle over. Come on over!" These things stick harder than I thought they would.
Today the request for lunch was peanut butter & jelly sandwhich, a pickle slice (which we now like, even though they are a vegetable), and some pieces of orange. She said it was the "best lunch ever." She ate every single piece of it, too - a half an orange, a whole sandwhich, and the pickle. That's a lot of food for a tiny peanut.
After nap, things went slightly downhill. She was just...argumentative, I guess is the word. We had talked about going to get desert if she could finish all of her dinner. She would not eat the last bit of it, so I told her, no desert. Tears. Weaping. Wailing. Throwing of fits. Then she got into trouble. More tears. More weaping. More wailing. And another fit. Into trouble yet again. This time, reconciliation. We had a "decussion" and talked things out. She would try to obey and finish her dinner, and could we please go get desert. Deal struck.
I'm a sucker.
Her quote as we were drying faces and hugging and getting right: "Mommy, this is too hard for me. Being two is just not easy!"
I'm thinking if two is hard, three is going to be just...a walk in the park! (ha!)

So, we walked with Aunt Normie to desert. She pushed Baby Sue in the stroller, along with her Spy Gadget. This would of course be from a Backyardigans episode. She is a secret agent today, and she asked me as she was getting Baby Sue ready to go where her spy gadget was. I'm scrambling, both in brain and in body, to try to figure out what kind of "gadget" I can get for her. I'm rooting thru the cabinet in the kitchen, and come up with a coffee scooper (a pretty large one). I thought, this will never make it. I was wrong.
It's a Super Shovel Spy Gadget. And it has gone everywhere today.
I'm pretty sure that there is an age limit on plaid pants, but she has not reached it yet. She looked really cute, strutting down the sidewalk in these little red pants. She kept swinging her hair back and forth, jaunting right along. She told me that she had her "driving licence" so that she could push Baby Sue. (This is from the time in the mall when I rammed the stroller into a clothes rack with her in it, and made some comment about not having a licence to drive the thing...she still remembers that!)
Not only did she have desert, she had chocolate desert. How dumb am I?!

She did look pretty cute, though. There are so many things to see when you eat outside on a pretty spring evening. Birds. Holes where owls can live. Buzby the Bee. The moon ("which is a crecent shape tonight, Mommy").And dandilions. Oh, the dandilions. Even after you blow all the fuzzies off, you have to put the stem in the stroller with Baby Sue, because "that part is still good."

I never knew that part was still good.
Bathtime was fairly uneventful, although she did want to rinse her hair all by herself. We had a few moments there of trying to get the shampoo out of her eyes, but there was no crying or anything.
Bedtime was also fun. Aunt Normie read a book (Baby Donald Finds His Kitten, which I think is the book of choice for guests of any nature, as Grammy read it while she was here too, about every night.) We read Sleeping Beauty, then sang a few songs, including the ABC song. J is not in that song anymore - I'm not sure where it went...and LMNOP sounds sorta like "elehnmohpeee" - not quite right. But she sings it with gusto!
As I was tucking her in, she told me very seriously that I could not pass. I was trying to figure out where that was coming from, when she went on to explain to me that I could not pass because the gate was closed, and that I had to pull it, not push it, and that she would sleep for a while and get some "sinjury" (energy) and then help me pull it open tomorrow, and then we could pass together.
Backyardigans again.
I would love to know what kind of dreams she has. Between the Backyardigans, the dandilion fluff, and the coloring pages, I know they've got to be awesome!