What a weird few days this has been. She is 2 going on 22 or something! I know I'm going to have to do a scrapbook page of just the things she says. She had me in stitches several times.
Yesterday, she had a popsicle - one of those ones in the wrapper? I can't remember what they're called. Well, she had a blue one - and it obviously was her first one that she's ever had. She could not be convinced to put her lips on the plastic - she kept squeezing it out - and it was popping around everywhere (the ice part) and she was trying to just pick it up with her fingers. We eventually got her to put it in her mouth and suck on it, and by george, that thing dissapeared fast! She had blue in her eyebrows, all the way up to her armpits (her pitties, as she calls them), and of course her nose, mouth, cheeks, teeth, tongue. Her comment on the blue face: "At least it matches my shirt!"
The other day at McDonalds, she says to me as we sit down at the table for our "date", "Oh no, Mommy! This burger is all squirly!" I'm a little ticked off, because I thought they had put onions or lettuce, or worse yet -"pomatoes" on her burger. I looked at it carefully, and asked her what was wrong - because there were no vegetables on there. She said, "Where is the ham? This isn't a hamburger!" I was cracking up - and had to honestly tell her I have no clue why it's called a hamburger when there is no ham on there. She did eventually eat it, but we had a lot of questions about what makes meat ham and what makes it hamburger, and how they come from different things (we didn't get into it coming from animals...I wasn't ready for that conversation...call me a chicken!)

This morning we were sitting at the stamping table, and she was

Mabajenta. Sheesh - I'll never think of it the same again!
We were running some errands today in the car, and there was some bird poop on our car window. Melanie says to us from the back seat, "That bird pooped right on our car, Mommy!" I said, yes it did. She says, "Birds poop outside, but mostly on the windows." I didn't know how to answer that one - because the poop we see is mostly on windows. Brian is just laughing - he has no comment. Then Melanie says, "Sometimes I do poopoos outside." I said - WHAT?! Brian just cracked up laughing. Melanie told him, "Daddy, this is not silly. This is important!" I asked her when she had pooped outside, and she said, "I don't really poop outside. But I could if my potty chair was out there." I told her that we only poop inside on the potty. I think that her curiousity is aroused though. I'm hoping not to catch her pooping outside anytime soon.
We met Zippy the clown this evening. She made balloon animals for the kids - made Mel a monkey climbing on a tree. She named the monkey George, and on the way home her tree popped. She kept saying lots of things about Zippy - it was cute. I think it may have been her first clown experience. And don't you know it - no camera around. DOY! I hate that!
While we were out and about tonight, she had to go potty, and when I took her in, we went in the stall, and she shouts out (thank goodness it was empty in there) - "Oh no! This is a booty trap! (aka...booby trap.) We're TRAPPED, and Daddy won't be able to rescue us because he can't see us with the door closed! What are we going to do?!" I had no clue what to tell her there either - so I told her I would rescue us when we were done going to the potty. She tells me, "You can't do that, Mommy. You have to hold me on the potty so I don't fall in. My hiney is too tiny to sit here by myself."
Good grief.
She also kept telling me to "boogie" tonight. She did the monster boogie (Laurie Berkner) in her booster chair tonight. She's really getting into dancing more and more as she becomes more comfortable. It's fun to watch her.
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