But now, look what I have done.
I have created a monster.
She has been asking for months for a camera, and we have been putting her off. Then, the other day, while we were picking up pictures (ironically), we walked thru the isle, and this little camera caught my eye. Less than $20, takes pretty low quality pictures (as you can see below), but will at least teach her the principles of Point & Click. I promise you, the child is walking around saying, "I'm just like mommy! Let me take a picture of my Pez holder. Let me take a picture of the princess couch. Let me take a picture of mommy - CHEEZE!"
It's humbling to hear your own words come out of an almost-three-year-old mouth!
Here I am. Notice the smirk. Notice the lack of hair. I'm supposed to be "posing."
Oh brother!
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