It's been a crazy week. I have a new niece - Kayana. She was born on Friday the Thirteenth - and mom and baby are doing fine. Here's a little picture of Baby Kayana, as Melanie calls her. Brian called her just "Kayana" today, and Melanie got all bent out of shape, telling him that her name was BABY Kayana. It's hard to explain that the baby is not really part of her name. We've said it that way for so long!

We also had a visit from Grammy & Poppy, and Uncle James & Aunt Ashlee this weekend. Do you know I did not take ONE picture? That has to be the first time that's ever happened. Something must be wrong with my clicker finger. Very weird.
Other than that, we're plugging along. Melanie is three - and all of it. She is sassy and moody. My girlfriends who have been through this before all assure me that this is part of the age, but goodness! I feel like I do a lot of correcting - a lot more than I used to, at least. We have had some really fun times as of late too, though. A tea party with real tea (which now she wants every morning) and some great times reading and playing Polly Pockets.
I'm not getting much work done though. Ah well. You only have each day one time.
Speaking of Polly Pockets, I think that there is a "force" of some sort that eats the clothes and shoes. I know that we have plenty, but things just keep turning up missing. That drives me crazy. I wish you could just replace pieces of each of the little kits, but you can't. Which means that the pink and purple swirly shirt no longer has a skirt or pair of pants to match it.
We've really been into the original Winnie the Pooh book by A.A. Milne. I didn't think she'd be as into it as she is, because it is kind of chapter-book-ish, and, well...long! But she hates to put it down! I actually have ordered her some other Pooh books for Christmas from Amazon.com. They'll be here sooner or later, and hopefully I don't forget where I hide them in the mean time. Heck, who are we kidding? I will probably give them to her long before Christmas. I can't keep a present that long.
My friend, Normie, is a Christmas shopper extraordinare. She knows how many days till Christmas already (I think she knew back in January and on June 11th, too), and she already has almost all of her Christmas shopping finished. I haven't even THOUGHT about it yet, except for the books for Melanie. It sure does make more sense to think about it all year long. Much less stressful.

Backyardigans has began season 2. I have to tell you, they are just as good!! So far we have seen three of the new episodes - and we have the DVR scheduled to record the other two that air this week. She really liked the Samarai Pie one that we saw yesterday. More on these as we review our favorites on the DVR later in the week.
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