The word of the day. Tasha, from the Backyardigans, says it, but we haven't watched the Backyardigans in several days. She did say something about wanting some scrumptious chocolate milk, because that was the best drink for people who had rescue work to do (which is what Tasha and Uniqua carry around in their packs on the "Snow Fort" episode.) But that word has carried on.
Today at lunch, I was informed that the salsa smelled "scrumptious," but that it sure didn't taste good, because it has "pomatoes" (otherwise known as tomatoes) in it. She doesn't like the way that it squishes around in her mouth. She did eat almost half a pint of sour cream with her quesadilla though. She has a dairy thing, which I think lends itself to the poop thing. We're trying to eat more vegetables. I told her last night that she needed to eat vegetable icecream, and she said, NO WAY!. I reminded her that she was eating green icecream already, so what was the big deal? She said it was different, because it was Monster Ice Cream, and you don't eat monster ice cream every day.
She did sit and spin for about 45 minutes this morning; after a short break in the middle there to put her shoes on to see if that would make her go faster (?!), she promptly got up and walked right into the wall. I think she sat and span a little too long.
She also played "house" for a while today, which is her rendition of her daily life. She had a snack (pretend), had water (also pretend), and took a nap (definetely pretend!). She did give hugs and kisses each time though. We then had a photo shoot with Melanie and mommy; she wanted to do about three times as many as the pictures we took, but I have my limits on seeing myself on film.
For some reason, she was really spread out today with her toys. She did clean everything up before lunch though, and did not throw a fit! "I'm being good mommy. Even though I'm sad, I am not throwing a fit! I bet that Jesus is pretty happy right now!" I encouraged her that indeed he was, because she was obeying right away. "That's bery tricky, mommy. Obeying right away should be just for grownups."
Even we grownups don't get it too well, though. Talk about convicting!
I had to do some prep work for a conference I have coming up, and she was sitting on my lap telling me just how "beautiful" everything was. She actually told me that the color of green I was using was "delightful" (another thank you from Tasha...she's pretty prissy!), and that she really liked it.
This kids' vocabulary is going to outgrow mine very soon!
She has finally learned how to eat an orange. For the last several weeks, she ate the peel too, and spit it out after she got all the juice off of it. She is a big sticky mess, and it is a sight to see, but she is leaving the peel. "Leaving the peel is very important, Mommy. Because the peel tasts really yucky in your mouth, and an orange is yummy stuff without the peel!"
Today, lots of things are important:
Shoes are important
Something is important (she said just in case she's forgetting something, because something can be anything!)
Polly Pockets are NOT important (this one surprised me...we do an aweful lot with Polly and her friends)
Turning off the light is important
Daddy is important
Jesus is important
Kisses are important
Telling the truth is important
Oranges are important
Eating vegetables so your poop doesn't hurt is important. (This one was said ON the toilet, red face and all...she's seriously rethinking the entire stand on vegetables.)
Taking pictures is important (she says today, because she was in the mood for it. Tomorrow may be a completely different story).
Books are important
School work is important
Buying her a pencil sharpener is important
Wiping after going peepee is important (this is after a little "decussion" that we had after we did NOT wipe)
She told me that after she gets up from her nap, she'll let me know some other things that are important, and I can write them down on a list for her. Good to know I'm the household scribe!
Yesterday we got a new Pezz dispenser; it's Jasmine, from Aladin. She calls her Jazz Man. I can't get her to say it like the flower; it sounds more like a big trumpet player dude. Brian cracks up laughing everytime she says she has Jazz Man in her pocket. It is pretty funny!
Tomorrow Melanie has a play date with Meredith. She is very excited; she asked me today if she could borrow my suitcase to take "all her toys" with her to share with her "bess friend". I told her that she wasn't going to be there that long, and that she could take a few things. She told me that they would play "bery fast!" so that they could use all the toys if I let her take the suitcase.
Some days it's really hard to come up with an argument!!
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