Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Too long since last post...

I'm sitting here eating lunch with Melanie, who is quoting Cinderella lyrics as she hears it on the cd player, and I'm telling myself "you've got to blog or journal more often!" I know I'm going to forget some things that have happened, and I hate that. Every day she changes a little bit more, and I feel like I'm missing moments. That stinks.

Right now we're eating something for lunch. I can't remember what it's called. It's leftovers from last night. Not stromboli - but something that begins with a C. Melanie asked me what it was - I had to tell her, I have no clue. She says, "Well, Mommy, this is sauce. And this is Sausage. And I can't member what this is". Me either. Hopefully daddy will call so I can ask him what we're eating for lunch.

Mommy brain stinks.

We just finished a visit with Grammy and Poppy. Talk about a gas. Here they are playing "Ring Around the Rosie" - this is before our backyard was transformed...

Poppy had to have a translater most of the time. We told him that he didn't speak "Melaniese" very well. I need to write down some of the words that she says and make a page on it. It was pretty funny.

We now have a swingset. A sandbox. A covered glider swing for children. A purple lawn chair. 7 new pairs of shoes (yes, 7 - all for the 2 year old). And an entire new wardrobe. And I'm not kidding about the entire part. An Easter bag full of new goodies. I still need to find homes for most of this stuff. Daddie's job today, if he should choose to accept it, is to get another rod for her closet - because we now have too many clothes to fit in there. It's this in between weather that's killing us - still cool enough some times for long sleeve clothes, and hot enough sometimes for shorts.

Here are some shots of the new goodies...

The clothes...oh, the clothes!! Shoes. Hats. Dresses. Shirts & shorts. Some really fun stuff. She stood with her hands on her hips today on the way to nap and said, "I am gonna look soooo cute in all these new things!"

Isn't that the truth?!

George the purple turtle sandbox. Notice the sand AROUND George too. We have some issues dumping the buckets back in there.

And the swingset. Or, as Melanie calls it, her park. "I want to go play in my park." The slide is definetely her favorite. Kollin and Kenzie had a great time on it too. We're gonna be the happenin place here.

Overall, a great visit. Did some cool scrapbooking pages of the kids, too, and got some stuff together for Grammy.

A fun weekend.

Now to get the house back together!

CALZONE!! That's what we ate for lunch! sheesh...

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