Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Catch Up on Vacation

Ok, I have so much to post. No internet options while we were away, although I did journal while I was away. So, I will just cut and paste, but there will probably be about 10 posts. Here we go!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
2:34 pm

Well, we’re in the van. This thing is a beast, but there is plenty of room for us to spread out and that’s a good thing, because I think we brought enough to be gone for a month – which, by the by, is NOT happening!! We had a rough start; the mail came late, and we wanted to get that and get last minute things settled. Then, we forgot things – and had to turn around 30 minutes away from home and go back. This is all thanks to me not looking at the very comprehensive (aka anal) list that I had. I thought I could do it from memory. Not so much.

Melanie’s take on all of this has been “this is the best cashun ever!” All it took is for her to get in the van – “this thing is COOL!”, and she saw the tv up there. She asked Brian if it really worked, and when he said yes, she actually did the happy dance. She watched the Fox & the Hound for the first time as we were traveling (err…kind of back and forth, but that’s neither here nor there) – and loved it! She’d like to watch Lady & the Tramp next, and she probably will – but I made her grab a quick nap. There was less fighting that than I thought there would be; she is so excited about being at the beach, I think if I told her she had to bite her toenails she’d do it. So, she’s been asleep for a little over an hour, and I’m holding out for at least an hour more. I can tell she’s dreaming in her car seat, because her mouth keeps doing a little sucking motion – like she has juice or a bottle or something. It’s a reminder of how she’s still a little peanut, even though her feet finally hang off the edge of the car seat.

She had her first Lunchable today for lunch. I purchased 3 of them to bring along, and she wolfed that booger down. Of course, it didn’t hurt that it had a Capri Sun juice in it (which she loves) and a candy bar, which I actually let her have after she ate half an apple. So far, so good on the vacation. She asked me if we could eat these lunches at home, or if they were just cashun lunches. We’ll have to see about that one.

I am getting excited about being at the beach tonight. There’s also a pool at the hotel, so that will be really fun, in case the water is just too dang cold for me. I’m a wuss, I’m not afraid to admit it. The fun part will be getting her to go to sleep in a room with us still in it. I’m not sure we’ve ever attempted that before.

I’ll keep you posted.

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